Senior Product Designer | VR Fitness App | 2023

FitXR: Programs - Mobile Companion App



FitXR is a fitness technology company working at the cutting edge of VR and MR. A scale-up on a mission to impact lives and build a healthier world for everyone.

The company aimed to unveil a fresh training mode titled 'Programs,' enabling both current and free-trial users to undergo an eight-class workout regimen progressively.



The primary issue identified was down to the previous user experience for free-trial users, who struggled to discern which classes to initially engage with and in what sequence.

The secondary concern involved insufficient usage of the Mobile Companion App (MCA), leading to a limited exploration of FitXR's features and offerings.

Addressing these problems would require enhancing the guidance and personalisation system for free-trial users while incentivising and promoting the utilisation of the MCA to enrich the overall FitXR experience.




Of users signed up to participate in the new Training Program


Multiplier increase of DAU for the Mobile Companion App

Product Squad

  • Product Design Lead (Me)

  • Product Manager

  • Data Scientist

  • Front-end & Back-end Unity Engineers (6)

  • Quality Assurance (3)

Business Opportunity

Making fitness a habit creates more engaged users that use the product longer, increasing both the LTV per user and the overall ARR

Goal & Hypothesis

Increase Retention: Create a structured set of classes that users progress through to create a habit of fitness and working out regularly.

Measures For Success

  • Improved retention rate

  • Increased mobile app pairing rate

  • Fitness classes have become a regular habit

Process & Challenges

The Project


Early Explorations



Non-paired users: 80% of users who first interact with a Training Program, did not have the mobile companion app paired. This presented the challenge of onboarding them onto the Program whilst ensuring they pair the app to get the full user-experience of our eco-system

Layout: After conducting several rounds of internal testing utilising lo-fi wireframes and mid-fidelity prototypes within ShapesXR, we arrived at the optimal layout composition

Scale & Distance: Navigating the suitable scale and distance the interface felt most legible at was initially difficult



  1. 80% of users who first interacted with a Training Program, did not have the mobile app paired

  2. The largest drop off points in the Programs funnel are at the first warm-up and after the first class

  3. 9% of users who start a Program have not yet started their first class. There is potential here to nudge users through the mobile app to return to the program

Mid-Fidelity Prototypes

High-Fidelity Prototypes



Gatekeeping Programs to mobile only users has increased the number of users pairing daily by 2.6x. This positive friction means only the most engaged users have the mobile paired, with these users more likely to convert to be a member and play more during their free-trial.


User Reviews

“I just tried FitXR yesterday for the first time, specifically the boxing program - and I have to say I am hooked!”

FitXR Community Member

“I finished the Nicola Adams series of boxing workouts today, loved them!”

FitXR Community Member

Let’s push boundaries


Joshua Stewart


Let's push boundaries


Joshua Stewart


Let’s push boundaries


Joshua Stewart