Co-Founder, Design Lead | Mobile Fitness App | 2022

NXTLVL: Onboarding



NXTLVL is a native functional fitness app founded by my wife and I that provides a one-of-a-kind personalised fitness experience for self motivated individuals. Founded back in 2017, we wanted to provide a universal tool to help everyone achieve their very best self.

We were aiming to unveil a more personalised onboarding and workout experience enabling both current and freemium users to seamlessly integrate functional fitness into their lives no matter which fitness level.



The primary product issue identified was down to the previous user experience for freemium users, who struggled to discern which workouts were suitable for their current fitness level. There was a growing need for fitness enthusiasts wanting more independent direction with their activity goals and aspirations.

The current overall market concern involved unsuitable and limited fitness experiences such as expensive personal training studios, overcrowded public fitness spaces and over-promising fitness apps.

Addressing these problems would require enhancing the initial onboarding experience by offering more guidance and personalisation to new freemium users while tailoring and promoting the most suitable exercises and workouts to all users enhancing the overall fitness app experience.




Increase in number of organic downloads in relation to past 6m


Rate increase from onboarding to completing first workout

Team Structure

  • Co-Founder, Product Design Lead (Me)

  • Co-Founder, Product Manager

  • Marketing Strategist

  • Kotlin / Swift Engineers (4)

  • Quality Assurance (4)

Business Opportunity

Users wanted relevant structured variability. Allowing users to choose their own individual fitness journey creates more engaged users that use the product longer, increasing both the LTV per user and the overall ARR.

Goal & Hypothesis

Increase # of downloads: Create a clear structured path for users to develop on a personalised fitness journey.

Measures For Success

  • Improved retention rate

  • Increased number of downloads

  • DAU spending at least 15 mins a day

Process & Challenges

The Project


Early Explorations



Overwhelming Content: Although the majority of users wanted variety, 77% of users who downloaded the app for the first time felt like there was a lot of workouts to choose from and felt instantly overwhelmed with what to choose first. This presented the challenge of onboarding users with a tailored direction while simultaneously offering variety.

Confusing Copy: Taken from the first iteration, users mentioned that the titles of the different types of workouts were very ambiguous and weren't clear enough to choose from.



  1. 71% of first-time users failed to complete the entire onboarding process without completing a class

  2. Only 48% of existing users continue training at least twice a week on the app


Early Prototypes


Hi-Fidelity Demos



Having founded, designed and built a product of my own, it is very easy to focus on the small details, but listening and understanding to our key users has helped increase every startup's main goal. Introducing a more personalised onboarding system progressing the user to more relevant content has increased the number of organic downloads by 29%. This ultimately positions NXTLVL as one of the fastest growing fitness communities.


User Reviews

“NXTLVL is seriously a game-changer. Not only is it my go-to fitness app for everyday workouts and mobility but I love to read the articles and explore the many recipes that are available on the app.”


“My workout recommendations sync perfectly with my fitness goals, this isn't an app just to get fit but it has now become part of my life.”

NXTLVL Freemium User

Let’s push boundaries


Joshua Stewart


Let's push boundaries


Joshua Stewart


Let’s push boundaries


Joshua Stewart